sábado, 12 de setembro de 2015

Getting married is overrated nowadays.
And why?
Obviously, this past generation of ours decided to play around with serious stuff. And they of all people, who said to us (children at the time) that we had to be careful, think things thoroughly and not to decide anything with a hot head. They would say not to run with scissors. They would say study for your tests and exams. They would ask if we were sure we liked that boy or girl we fancied at the time. And they went around and married one person and years later instead of a simple separation no one would remember, they had to divorce that person. And because they used and abused of the right to get married, nowadays the only people excited to get married are homosexuals, and that's because that's a new found right (which I support by the way). And I just feel I have to say this to people everywhere: Don't abuse of your new found right.
Young people want to get married someday like you did, or do any other thing that nowadays isn't so thought of to do, and because you gave it no good meaning, it's now rare to find a partner that actually wants to get married.
bleep a dido.

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