sábado, 12 de setembro de 2015


You know how everything in your life is going day by day and you don't even notice it passing by? And then one day, one special day like a sibling's birthday, you realize "wait, has it really been four year since ...?"
Well, if that happens to, just wait till the next four years pass and you maybe have a husband, and you maybe have a new house, and just maybe, you have a baby of your one. Just think about it, one year from now, you might think you'll be in a similar place, but perhaps you'll be in a completely different one, and you will feel totally different.
People ask "Where do you see yourself in five years time?" - You think "I have no fucking idea man.". Actually, in your head, a few moments later when you're really thinking about it, you think "I want to have my own place set up and at least have a decent working car, oh, and maybe by then I'll have a boyfriend, and maybe be thinking about babies, and perhaps have a few million cats by then".

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